Global warming and Ayurveda
आधुनिक जनपदोध्वंसनीयम् व्याख्यास्यामः
Dr Gururaja
नापो यथाकालं वर्षति न वा वर्षति विकृतिं वा वर्षति वाता न सम्यगभिवान्ति क्षितिर्व्यापद्यते सलिलान्युपशुष्यन्ति ओषधयःस्वभावं परिहायापद्यन्ते विकृतिं तत उद्ध्वंसन्ते जनपदाः स्पृश्याभ्यवहार्यदोषात्……
These are the references from charaka samhita on affect
of human activities on this nature. Since from the development of civilization,
man always felt guilty about his activities causing damage to this nature. In
Veda mantras we can get the references about the prayers before cutting any
twigs from the plants. From the time of charaka samhita till today we can see discussions
about effect of human activities on nature.
Ayurveda not only teaches us how to live healthy
but also how to live harmoniously with this nature.
It is relevant and also important to upgrade our
view on this. Now global warming is the major problem. In every international seminars
we can see discussions on this. It is the right time to discuss on this problem.The above lines says about the Climate change leading to severe drought and floods, untimely weather resulting in the destruction of human civilization.
Panchabhoota theory:
Tridosha theory:
In वातकलाकलीय chapter [
charaka Su] functions of dosha in nature is explained.
ब्रह्माण्ड पिंडाण्ड वाद- says that body is the miniature of this world .
जनपदोध्वंस विमान -explains
about impact of pollution. Saadharana hetu
काल or परिणाम –Time is considered as one of the causative factor.
Dinacharya and Rtucharya (daily and seasonal regimen) explains a nature friendly
Dravyasangrahana kala etc which explains about the method of collection of roots etc in a nature friendly way.
Ecosystem and
The term ecosystem refers to the combined physical and
biological components of an environment. These organisms form complex sets of relationships
and function as a unit as they interact with their physical environment.
Biodiversity underpins life on Earth, and refers to the
variety found in biota from genetic make up of plants and animals to cultural
Impact of Climate change
Global environmental hazards
to human health include climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, changes
in ecosystems due to loss of biodiversity, changes in hydrological systems and
the supplies of freshwater, land degradation, urbanization, and stresses on
food-producing systems.
As a results new pandemics and new diseases are coming.Even simple viruses are becoming more virulent. Because of the pollution incident of genetic disorders, metabolic disorders and Malignant diseases are becoming very common. Now even cancer has become very common disease.
How to
1 Understanding of global warming according to Ayurveda
2 Analyzing its affect using ब्रह्माण्ड पिंडाण्ड वाद
3 Effects of global warming on health according to Ayurveda
4 Prevention and treatment.
of global warming in ayurveda
वाताज्जलं जलाद्देशं देशात् कालं स्वभावतः।
विद्याद्दुष्परिहार्यत्वात् गरीयस्तरमर्थवित्॥
These two lines explain the total process of global
Air pollution - Water pollution - Land pollution - Climate or Time pollution (everything happens untimely like untimely rain etc on the earth and Untimely aging ,death etc in humans)
It becomes more and more complex and difficult to cure as we move from air to Time.
Air pollution - Water pollution - Land pollution - Climate or Time pollution (everything happens untimely like untimely rain etc on the earth and Untimely aging ,death etc in humans)
It becomes more and more complex and difficult to cure as we move from air to Time.
Air—increased carbon di oxide concentration etc
Water—pollution[ more difficult to control and has
severe impact]
That area becomes poisonous.
Changes in Kala or changes in climate.
.Consequences –
Melting glaciers . Climate changes like untimely rains, draught, potent cyclones etc.
Melting glaciers . Climate changes like untimely rains, draught, potent cyclones etc.
When काल gets affected then it is difficult to correct
ब्रह्माण्ड पिंडाण्ड वाद:-
यावन्तो हि लोके भावविशेषास्तावन्तःपुरुषे,
यावन्तः पुरुषे तावन्तो लोके; cha . Sha.
This logic says that what ever there in the universe can be seen in our body.Our body is the miniature of this universe and Universe is the gross form of our body. If universe get diseased like global warming then human body and mind also get disease.
This logic says that what ever there in the universe can be seen in our body.Our body is the miniature of this universe and Universe is the gross form of our body. If universe get diseased like global warming then human body and mind also get disease.
When nature gets disease then similar changes will
appear in humans also.
(Gaia hypothesis by Dr. James Lovelock.
(Gaia hypothesis by Dr. James Lovelock.
It is an ecological hypothesis that proposes that
the biosphere and the physical components of the earth are coupled together to
form a complex interacting system.
Viewing earth as a single organism.)
its effect using ब्रह्माण्ड पिंडाण्ड वाद
1 Sun is the source of energy and heat.
Controlled radiation from the sun.
2 Earth-Heat is absorbed by forests, oceans.
Retained by green house gases
More temp in equator
CO2 plays important role in maintaining the heat.
If CO2 increases temperature also increases.(sea
water absorbes extra co2 and responsible for maintaining gas percentage in
atmosphere) .
Glaciers-Reflects much light.
Trees also play important role, acts as lungs in
maintaining gas level.
Pollution acts as Ama and produce Amaya or disease on this
It is like Earth getting Fever |
1 Pachakaagni.
[Hypothalamus-For discussion]
2 Heat is produced by Jataraagni in grahani.Spread
all over the body by the help of drava dhatu and vyana vayu.
Lost by evaporation ,conduction ,
radiation and convection
Normal rasa dhatu –temperature remains normal .
If Ama
forms then temperature raises
( We should consider Udaka,Rasa Rakta mutravaha srotas while comparing
role of sea water in maintaing the balance ,Prana for gas concentration)
Ama produces Fever like diseases. Fever has both bodily component has increased temperature and Mental component has stress, restlessness and violence etc. |
In similar fashion we can interpret many other body
functions with relation to the nature.
पृथिवी मूर्तिः आपः क्लेदः
तेजो अभिसंतापःवायुः प्राणः…. सामान्यं विद्यात्
of global warming on health according to ayurveda
We will discuss some of the points
1 Increased global temperature.
2 Changes in weather or seasonal patern.
3 Pollution
4 Changes in plants.
5 Insects and micro organisms.
global temperature.
आदानं पुनराग्नेयं
रविर्भाभिराददानो जगतःस्नेहं वायवःतीव्ररूक्षाः…
आदानदुर्बले देहे पक्ता भवति दुर्बलः
If we imply these references then we can say-
Body becomes weak, digestive power reduces, dryness
increases resulting in disorders related to Vaata dosha,Rasa
dhatu or Vikruta dhatvagni.
This is also a reasons why the humans are becoming
weaker by generation to generation.
As glaciers are melting similar in our body kapha
will change to drava leading to many kapha and Avarana Vata vyadhi.As Forests our
body has lungs so many respiratory problems.As movement of Vayu or wind in nature,our
body has Vyana vaata resulting in diseases of vyana vaayu.
As this nature is becoming more restless because of
these changes, human mentality is also changing towards self destroying, as a
result we are seeing increase in Terrorism or destruction mentality.
Change in quality of the food also influences the health.
in Seasons:
We have to rethink about ऋतु क्रियाकाल or seasonal regiman told in ayurveda because of
changing weather. Change in rain pattern has been observed by us since few
years .For more details read “Why the wind blows” by Matthys Levy and “An
Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore.
Need to study कालबलप्रवृत्त व्याधि or Diseases resulting from change in climate.
Pollution: there is a need to
Study air, water and food pollution near any big
industrial area eg MRPL, MCF.
We are seeing how our coastal region is becoming
industrial hub resulting in pollution.
Changes in trees are observed, we should record such
changes and its effects on their rasa,guna etc. qualities of the herbes. Thats is the reason herbs are not showing potential action as told in ayurvedic texts.
Do not sit by just saying trees will lose their potency.
Do not sit by just saying trees will lose their potency.
Insects and micro organisms
Change in habitat
More potent organisms are coming.
New epidemics like Chikengunya,Dengue etc. Change in the structure of insects are also visible.
Create awareness about this nature-
सर्वलोकमात्मन्यात्मानं च सर्वलोके समं अनुपश्यतः सत्याबुद्दिः समुत्पद्यते॥cha sha
We should see our universe as our body.There is no difference and they are mutually related.
We should see our universe as our body.There is no difference and they are mutually related.
This is very important quotation.If everyone looks
nature according to this, then such situation will not arise.
Treat on the lines of जनपदोध्वंस.
We should plan the treatment after studying this
Adopting more nature friendly Dinacharya,
Samajacharya and Antarastriyacharya.
– Personal level – Use more public vehicles more transport.
Family level - Save Current ,
Water and food.
Society level - Encourage Social
forests etc
Country level - Save Forests ,
Nature friendly industries etc.
International level – Control on
carbon emission,
between developed and developing countries on this matter.
युगे युगे धर्मपादः क्रमेणानेन हीयते ।
गुणपादश्च भूतानामेवं लोकः प्रलीयते॥
काले वर्षतु पर्जन्यः पृथिवी सस्यशालिनी ।
देशोयं क्षोभरहितः सज्जनाः सन्तु निर्भयाः॥
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