Saturday, February 28, 2015

Leech therapy some more photos

Leeches are used many diseased conditions. Like Alopacia areata,Vasculitis, Atherosclerosis etc

Kshara karma specialised technique for Hemorrhoids

Kshara karma is a parasurgical procedure for Hemorrhoids.It is a daycare therapy performed under local anesthesia without any complication. No bleeding No pain.Not expensive.Recurrence rate is also very low.It is a unique ayurveda technique.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Peripheral Vascular Diseases

                                                                      VATA RAKTA
Peripheral vascular diseases are named as Vatarakta in Ayurveda. It is a big challenge for a ayurvedic physician to treat such patient. Kshara basthi, Leech application, Shilajatu prayoga etc special treatment are there in ayurveda. Before going for amputation it is always advisable to try ayurveda once. We try our best to save the limb.

Venesection or Siravyadha

                                                                     SIRA VYADHA
Sira vyadha is considered as half of the treatment for many condition.Removing vitiated blood from the body through venesection is called as Siravyadha. Sira means veins and vyadhana means puncturing. Here venesection was done for a patient of severe back ache. Immediate reduction in pain was observed.(It may be a temporary management, we need other treatments too)