Saturday, March 29, 2014


                                          KSHARA SUTRA APPLICATION FOR FISTULA IN ANO

Kshara sutra application is a unique ayurvedic surgical procedure for Fistuala in Ano.
Kshara sutra is a Medicated thread which is prepared from Turmeric powder and many other drugs.
Fistula tract is probed and the Sutra is passed through the tract and tied.
Kshara sutra is more effective than modern fistulectomy surgery as it is less painful, simple procedure and patient can continue his routine activities.Recurrence rate is also negligible.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Leech therapy

                                          Leech Therapy

Blood is considered as very important factor in the manifestation of the diseases.
Bloodletting or Rakta Mokshana is considered as Half of the treatment.
Different methods are used to remove the collected vitiated blood.
Out of which Leech application is safe, painless method suitable for all kinds of patients.
Even though present medical science does not accept its efficacy but in practice good response has been seen in many conditions like Dermatitis,Plantopalmar psoriasis,Acne,varicose veins, Alopacia areata etc